D&D On Elm Street pt.2: The Nightmare Continues

The Nightmare Continues
Welcome to our first ever holiday crossover one-shot event: D&D On Elm Street!
This is episode 2 of a very spooky Halloween trilogy. After fighting off and capturing one of the nightmarish creatures, the heroes make their way out of Casey’s house to find out what happened to Officer Donnie. The party continues to uncover more clues about how to defeat the Sweater God, but with each new discovery comes more and more questions. Will the heroes save the day? Will the Sweater God claim another victim? Will the party murder Benny’s new doll?
If you would like a copy of the one shot Halloween adventure, shoot a quick message to our team on any of our social media platforms. (Links below)
Han Velsing voiced by Mike Cole
Reznik voiced by Shamas Rodriguez
Jimbo “Butzemann” Taper voiced by Adam Culbertson
Benny voiced by Tisha
Rose voiced by Lindsay
DM – Nico Rodriguez
Mike: A Fool’s Quest
Adam: Microphones and Monsters microphonesandmonsters.com
Tisha (IG @1tish1): Roll Gay Role Play rollgayroleplay.com
Lindsay: Artist facebook.com/ExpatArt87
Shamas: Waylays and Melees waylaysandmelees.podiant.co
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If you would like to follow along with our map, you can find it on our social media pages: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram